
Saturday 13 September 2014

Thank you Diary

I always think that people with diaries that exist in the form of a physical book, rather than as a quick note on a phone calendar, look really organised and 'mumsie'. I'm sure that for many people looking 'mumsie' would be considered a bad thing, but the way my mum lives her life is something that I'd definitely like to replicate, especially in terms of her ability to remember things.

I've also always had this desire to write things out physically, rather than digitally (very archaic I know).
Anyway the point is, this year I decided to buy myself a diary for the academic year to keep note of important deadlines, lectures, meetings, and dates where things might be planned (for example visiting home!) that I should definitely keep track of. The number of times someone's asked me if I'm free on a specific date, a warning bell goes off in my head and I end up phoning mum to work out whether I'm free or not, are numerous, frequent and, for good measure, also plentiful. I think it's time I try to work out my availability for myself before resorting to mum power.

That's basically a very round-about way of saying that I brought a diary! However, the point of this blog post is that this diary is particularly intriguing, as for each day of the year it has a note about an event or thing that has happened on that day at some point in history.
For example for today the 13th of September 'Building begins on Hadrian's wall in 122'... random, but vaguely interesting!

So now, not only do I give the impression I know what I'm doing with my life, I can throw out random facts too! At this rate I'll be winning university challenge before I know it!

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